This was a pretty cool issue. With the celebration of the movie coming out, this one has a variant cover also. The only problem is . . I can't figure out who did it. Darwyn Cooke does the cover at the left here. But I don't see the credit for the color cover listed anywhere. I'm guessing it's Phil Winslade, who also does the first story of the book, but . . I'm just not sure. Either way, they both look pretty cool. In Phil's story, Jonah helps out a 90 year old Indian woman who is trying to protect her land. The railroad will be coming through, soon, and with them buying up all the land in their path, some other shysters are looking to buy her off cheap. I thought she was going to have Jonah scare them off, but it turns out she just wants him to listen, in the other room, to the verbal exchange when the men show up. She then gives him a horse as payment and he's on his way. He catches up to the men, not far away, when they camp for the night. They find out he's a hired gun and offer him money to take out the woman. Instead, he takes the money and takes out them. Phil did a fantastic job with the art on this chapter. I really loved it. In the second story, we get a little bit of the background on Jonah when he grew up as an indentured slave of the Apache. His father had bartered him as trade to pass through their land. Anyways, as he grows up he experiences his first love with White Fawn. Of course it's not going to work out, because they come from different worlds.

But after she died, he buried her on his land and comes by every year to pay his respects. It's another rather touching story with CP Smith doing the art. Of course Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti wrote both the stories. And finally in the back there's a little question and answer section with Jimmy Hayward, the director of the film, and Justin and Jimmy. It was interesting. With some cool pictures from the movie. Oh yeah, I almost forgot . . the regular cover comes poly-bagged with a movie poster also. And on top of all of that . . as usual, it was just a fun read. It's hard to believe that we're on issue #56 already. Where does the time go?
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