Friday, April 30, 2010

the Web #8 - DC

I think John Raymond is going to have to be one of those heroes that really doesn't have a secret identity. I mean . . he's not doing to good of a job of hiding it. While Kit-kat is working on his computers he just blurts out his name. Yes she works for him, but . . she's just a computer-tech. She doesn't need to know all the personal information. It's not like she's a side-kick or something. And then, last issue, he kind of lets his guard down while talking to Patricia. He's talking to her as the Web, but . . she quickly guesses his identity. He's not a very fast thinker on his feet because he didn't try to deny it or anything. And then . . he's not very subtle in his detective skills. He goes to see an old family friend, Martin Scott, who works for Advantage Health. He's trying to figure out how they're connected to all of these deaths. Then later, when some one texts him demanding money for his secret-identity . . he bust in on Martin, Deuces Wilde and Stunner all together at a meeting. And what's the first question he asks? 'Let's talk. Why exactly is Advantage Health killing people.' I don't think it's going to take to much effort for Martin to put that together with his earlier conversation. But . . they don't know exactly who he is. They just assume that he's a friend of John Raymond's. The issue ends with Stunner sucking the life-force out of him, while Martin is attempting to take off his mask. I can understand what Matthew Sturges is trying to do with this story, but . . there's just no subtlety here. The story plows through this issue like a bull in a china shop. And John's character has no subtlety either. Maybe it's because he's rich and never had to really work for anything. I like the book, and I like the character. But this issue was almost annoying. At least to me. But . . maybe that's the point. Maybe this is his learning curve. If it is, this guy's got a long way to go. Roger Robinson continues to turn in some great art. We get the Hangman again in the back-up story. It's by John Rozum, Tom Derrenick, and Bill Sienkiewicz. Also, I love these covers by Stanley Lau.

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