Sunday, April 18, 2010

Green Arrow #32 - DC

First of all . . this is an amazing cover by Mauro Cascioli. He's got more coming up too, so . . prepare to be 'Wowed!'. Next . . I thought this was a great story by JT Krul. I didn't think that it had the emotional depth that I was expecting . . the scenes between Ollie and Dinah seemed a little dry. I expected them to be much more moving. But . . I did like the way that the ramifications of Ollie's actions were handled. Ollie gives himself up for the murder of Prometheus. And Police Chief Nudocerda is more than ready to drag Ollie's name through the mud. The problem is . . no matter how much pull, or clout that Nudocerda thinks he has . . Ollie is still an icon to this city. Both as Green Arrow and as philanthropist Oliver Queen. I expected Ollie to have to fulfill some kind of sentence, but the jury finds him not guilty. I think they sympathized with the reasons for his actions more that just the actions themselves. They let him off. But the judge isn't so kind. 'You may be a free man, Oliver Queen. But from this day forward you are hereby exiled from Star City. You step even a foot back inside . . either as Oliver Queen or Green Arrow . . you will be incarcerated for as long as I can put you there.' But Ollie isn't really a free man. Not in the truest sense. He's already got the burden of his guilt hanging on his shoulders. Plus he's been shunned by both Connor and Dinah. In fact Dinah gave him his ring back. And he's pulling himself away from Mia. 'I'm a great teacher when it comes to the bow and arrow. But I'm not much of a role model.' The issue ends with him walking out of Star City . . a devastated, corrupt Star City. He's got to be asking himself, 'Is this place really any better off for me having been here?' This is the final issue of this series, but Ollie will be back in his own book in another month or so. I have to say, despite the all the bad things that have happened, I like the turn that this character has taken. I think that the road he's been cast upon is much more true to the character of both Ollie and the Green Arrow. And it'll make things a lot more interesting in future issues. Federico Dallocchio does the art for this issue. It looked pretty good. I can't wait to see what happens to Ollie next.

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