This was an interesting addition to the Jonah Hex archives. This issue we're treated to some 'tall-tales', as told by a couple of brothers while they're out fishing. I'm not sure if each is trying to impress the other with their knowledge of this larger-than-life man, or . . they're just trying to scare the crap out of each other. But it's typical boyish behaviour on a lazy afternoon. That is until their father shows up and rushes them back to the house. It appears that Jonah Hex has indeed shown up in their town, and they're recommending that anybody that doesn't have any business being there . . stay in their homes. But the temptation is to much for the boys to resist. So they leave the house in the middle of the night to try and get a glimpse of the man they've heard so much about. When they get home they're going to be tanned something fierce. But . . they end up with a story that they'll carry with them for the rest of their lives. They do indeed run into Jonah, as well as Bat Lash, the Trigger Twins, Scalphunter, Nighthawk and Cinnamon. But it's what they watch Jonah do that'll be ingrained in their brains forever. I really enjoy this book. I finally went to see the movie. I thought it was ok. I thought they did a decent job paying homage to the character. But the books are just fun to read. The deviation from the traditional super-hero stories is a much needed relief. And Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti do a great job with these stories. Jordi Bernet once again does the art.
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