Sunday, March 21, 2010

Titans #23 - DC

As much emotion as there was in that last issue of Green Arrow . . so to is this issue filled with the regret and love of Roy's original team-mates . . the Teen Titans. Dick, Wally and Donna spend this issue trying to figure out what they can do for Roy now, but . . they're also thinking about the past. When they were a group, as the original Teen Titans, they didn't always agree on things. And more often than not, Roy was the voice that rang out against the rest of the team. I think a lot of the problem came because Donna was the only girl on the team. I'm not saying it was her fault, but . . this was a group of teen-aged boys, and one hot chick. You know there was jealousy and competition between them. There had to be. And they each had their own separate personalities that she was attracted to. Dick was the rock-solid one. The one that you could always count on. Wally was much like his namesake . . Speedy. He was aloof, flighty and easily distracted. And Roy . . Roy was the bad-boy. And for some reason . . the girls always go for the bad-boys. Personally . . I think it's because when they do show those rare moments of emotion and feeling, that it's so opposite of how they usually act that the girls are completely thrown out of balance. Anyways, at the time, Dick and Wally didn't really let Roy get away with anything. They didn't give him an inch, and they called him out on every mistake he made. Which, right now . . they're feeling guilty as hell about. They've already lost Garth . . they don't want to lose another friend. In the end though, they make the right decision. They decide that all they can do right now is to be there for him. They need to help him get past his physical injuries, and they have to be there to help him deal with the loss of Lian . . which he doesn't even know about, yet. That's going to be an emotional conversation. Eddie Berganza wrote this issue, and I thought he did a great job. Scott clark and Ardian Syaf do the art. I thought it was one of the best issues of this title in quite a while. You almost get the feeling that this is the end of the series, but . . apparently they're just taking a little hiatus. Issue #24 is listed as a June release. The new creative team will be Eric Wallace and Fabrizio Fiorentino. It'll follow a special called Titans: Villains for Hire, and will feature the return of Deathstroke. I'm sure the couple of months in between will be used for Roy's character to work through everything and decide on his future. Hopefully he'll be a part of this team. I really do love these characters . . through thick and thin.

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