Sunday, March 14, 2010

Action Comics #887 - DC

Seeing as Chris and Thara are Nightwing and Flamebird . . so to is Jax-Ur Vohc, the destroyer. Remember, we learned about this whole Kryptonian mythology thing last issue. Anyways, as we saw there, Vohc would make his creations, and then Flamebird would come along and destroy them. Supposedly this is how they were instructed to interact by their god, Rao. Well now Jax-Ur, or rather Vohc has built his greatest creation . . he's built the new god Rao. And he's daring Flamebird to try and destroy him. He also uses Chris' own powers to banish him back into the Phantom Zone. However, since the Zone is supposed to be destroyed, I'm guessing that Vohc has built that again also. Anyways, all of this is going on in some base in Iraq. So Lois is using her clout to try to get out there and see what's going on. First she talks General Latham into having her dropped in Iraq. Then she has Simon Stagg transport her over the Iran/Iraq border. And from there Chris and Thara give her a lift to follow the False Rao towards India. Basically, Jax-Ur used the god energy from Chris and Thara to create this. That's the part of them that taps into the Nightwing and Flamebird essences. But it would take even more energy to make him bigger. To make him a true entity. Which is where this stroll that it's taking from Iraq towards India comes in. Everything that this governments are throwing at it is being absorbed. And when they try to nuke it . . it looks like creation itself. Apparently Jax-Ur's plan is to increase Rao's power, and then, on Earth, remake the world according to his vision, not Rao's. After this last boost is when Jax-Ur destroys Chris by banishing him to the shadows. Then . . Thara is despondent. She doesn't see the point in proceeding any furthur. She knows that she'd never be able to beat Rao on her own. To which Lois responds . .'Alone? Hardly! Let me make a few calls . . . ' This was like part 2 of the history lesson that we started last issue. Except this time we learn how the mythic figures are affecting our current reality. And right now . . it doesn't look good. I thought that Greg Rucka and Eric Trautmann did a good job with this story. I also like the way they had it framed around Lois' correspondence back to the Planet. She's trying to show the world that not all Kryptonians are bad. And that her father, General Lane, is lying. Pere Perez did the art again. I think this guy gets a little better with every issue. Overall I really enjoyed the story. In the back-up, Captain Atom crosses Skartaris to Sorcerer's World to confront Mirabai. He arrives just before the resistance is about to attack her castle with their newly formed army. His arrival and assistance has really helped to boost the moral of the ranks. The only problem is . . Mirabai knows that Nathaniel is here, and it's almost as if she's counting on it. Either he's being played, or . . he's doing exactly what she wants him to. We'll have to wait until next issue to find out which it is. I'm enjoying this story by James Robinson, and I think Cafu is doing a terrific job with the art.

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