Sunday, March 14, 2010

Dark X-Men #5 - Marvel

I liked this series. I just didn't like the way it ended. I'm thrilled that Nate Grey is back. But the way this series ends . . well . . I'll get to that. We saw last issue that these Dark X-Men, Norman's version of them, had gone into his psyche to try to protect him from Nate. They are Norman's hired goons after all. Anyways, while there they discover Norman's secret room, and his alternate personality . . the Green Goblin. I think that they're genuinely trying to help Norman, but . . Mystique especially seems willing to throw a wrench into the system wherever possible. So she kind of lets the Goblin run amok . . I think hoping that it'll hurt Norman more than them. However, what Nate doesn't expect is that the Goblin doesn't necessarily want to bring Norman down. Yes he's probably mad for being locked up for so long, but . . he knew that he was never going to be put away forever. And, even though he's a negative influence on Norman's actions and decisions . . when it comes down to it, what's good for Norman is also good for the Goblin. 'Didn't you imagine that a creature that can organize the criminal underworld . . will know when it's a good idea to fight me . . and when we have mutual interests!' The Goblin tricks Mimic into copying Omega's power, and together he uses them to siphon off Nate's . .make him weak enough to beat. The Goblin goes back into his hole . . Norman comes back out into the world, and Nate? Nate gets tortured, and then hooked up to Omega Machine to use like coal. So in the end . . Nate's still around. He's back, immersed into reality. But . . nobody else knows he's here. And . . now he's locked up into Norman's mutant power siphoning machine. With all his raw power, I don't think that Norman or the Beast are going to be done with him for some time to come. Who knows when or if somebody will ever find him, and . . what's the experience going to do to Nate's character. In the end I thought Paul Cornell did a good job with this story. I don't necessarily like the way it ended, but . . I can see the advantages. The future story potential of this character is unlimited. I also enjoyed Leonard Kirk's art. I thought it was a good story. I can't wait to see where Nate's journey goes from here.

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