Sunday, January 25, 2009

Terror Titans #4 - DC

I liked this book, but . . I kind of have mixed feelings about this particular issue. And I'm not really sure why. First I'm a little confused about Copperhead, Nathan Price. In the brief history, he murders what I assume is his little brother. He wants to take out his anger on his parents, but he just can't do it. So . . he strikes out on his own. He's barely surviving and is willing to do anything but then he kills a guy, who I assume, was going to rape him. But then . . . he puts his life on the line for TNTeena. I think that's her name. He knows that if the Clock King catches him being nice to her that he'll probably kill him, but . . he does so anyways. This guy really seems to be conflicted. But to me, it seems like the Clock King is most concerned about Bolt, or Dreadbolt . . whatever? . . Persuader, and . . . the Star Spangled Kid? He really seems intent upon breaking this kid. Although I'm not really sure why. But then again . . why is he putting up with the Ravager when he knows that given the chance she would slit his throat from ear to ear. It's only a matter of time, but . . he doesn't seem overly concerned. And the Disruptor? She's a whole 'nother story. She wants Terry to take out Ravager because the Clock King has replaced her as his favorite. At least that's what she thinks. We also see Static again this issue . . he's from the Milestone comics, but . . he doesn't do much other than win a fight. I'm guessing that all that electricity is burning the drugs out of his system because it seems like after he uses his powers he becomes coherent and they have to drug him up again. I think Sean McKeever is doing a good job with this book. Right now . . it's really hard to tell because we don't really know what the Clock King's plan is. Like I said, I think it revolves mainly around the Persuader and the Star Spangled Kid. But with him . . you just never really know. Joe Bennett is doing a tremendous job with the pencils. He's been drawing some great action sequences here. Anyways, there's only 2 issues to go, so . . . the Clock King's going to have to show his hand pretty soon. I guessing it's not going to be anything that we expect.

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