Sunday, January 11, 2009

Green Lantern #36 - DC

Wow! I'll say it again . . and again, and again, if I have to . . . Geoff Johns is a genius. I've been a Green Lantern fan for about as long as I can remember, but . . this book now . . with all of this stuff going on, and all of these new variations being introduced . . . this book is freakin' awesome. I'll give my props to Ivan Reis right off the bat. I absolutely love this guys art. I've been a fan since way back on Lady Death, and I always thought he was an underrated talent. But since he's been on this book? His stuff has surpased my every expectation. He's been absolutely stellar on this book. I really just can't give him enough praise. Anyways, on to the story. The story is about the Red Lanterns . . the Lanterns of Rage. But there's also so much more going on. The Green Lanterns were taking Sinestro to be executed. However, on their way, their ambushed by some Red Lanterns and now Atocitus has him. He's trying to figure out how to use his rage to tear him apart. But Sinestro plays it pretty cool. Really, he shows no fear. That is until right at the very end where Atocitus tells him that he learned about his daughter. Then . . Sinestro looks a little distraught and worried. Meanwhile, on Zamaron . . we learn that Fatality is being converted. By the end of the process, she is now a Star Sapphire. She's got her arm back and actually, she looks pretty hot. But once she comes out of the crystal she's only got one thing on her mind . . ."Ring. Locate John Stewart." That could be a problem. Anyways, at the end of last issue, Hal, John and Kilowog were introduced to Saint Bro'dee Walker, the 1st Blue Lantern. They're the Lanterns of Hope. Walker takes Hal back to Odym. It's like the Green Lantern's OA. It turns out that this whole Blue Lantern thing is being created and molded by Ganthet. This is where he's been since he was exiled from OA. Hal turns up just in time to see their 2nd recruit accept their offer. Walker chose him and his name is Warth. Warth will then choose the Lantern for sector 3. But the reason that Ganthet wanted Hal here is because Sinestro is important to what's going on, so he doesn't want Atrocitus to kill him. Therefore he wants Hal, with Walker and Worth, to go and retrieve him. "He is far more important to this than even he realizes. And so are you." On their way they pass a planet whose sun is in stage one of supernova. Almost 300 million people are in jeopardy. Hal's conflicted about what to do, but Walker and Worth simply sit back and reignite their sun. Hal questions the amount of energy they must've expended . . . "None. We were fueled by the population of the world that witnessed their sun's transformation. They felt hope and we collected it. It charges us. And it will charge you too. You will learn about hope. You need to. Is it not obvious? You who have been to the depths of darkness and back . . . you are to discard your Green ring after Sinestro is rescued. You are to be the leader of the Blue Lantern Corps." Well . . . that wasn't at all what Hal expected. All of this . . and we haven't even begun Blackest Night yet. This is going to be a great year for this book. And I'm sure the Corps book also. I can't wait.

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