Saturday, January 31, 2009

Gen13 #26 - WildStorm

Aaarrgh!! I hated this issue. Scott Beatty wrote it and Dan Hipp did the art. The art was terrible, and . . the story wasn't a whole lot better. Sorry Scott. I appreciate your talent and I think you do a lot of good work, but . . this, unfortunately, wasn't one of them. But that's just my opinion. Basically the story is about another group of Gen's. There's this military command that wants to learn what to do in situations where they're dealing with post-apocalyptic mutants . . the Gens. So they have this guy that basically keeps pushing out clones for them. They give them a couple of days to get acclimated and a feeling of self, and then . . . they take them out into a mocked up urban fighting scene and hunt them. It's wrong for so many reasons, but I fail to understand how these troops are actually improving if they keep facing the same Gens and they already know about their powers. They know exactly what they can do. Hell, if you have a monkey perform brain surgery day after day, eventually he'll probably get good at it. And, on top of all of this, we don't see any of our Gen13 characters this issue. I understand that we're getting a glimpse of some of the other stuff going on in the world in which they live, but . . this is their book. Where are they? I'm sorry. I know this is a book that's always gone through a lot of creative changes, but . . this one really didn't work. I really don't know what else to say.

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