Wednesday, September 02, 2009

the Mighty #8 - DC

Again, this series takes another dark turn. Last issue Gabrielle Cole found his wife, Janet, dead in an automobile accident. Since then, he's decided to take some time off from his job. And he's trying to distance himself from Alpha One. He's up to something, but we don't know what yet. He visits Michael Shaw's grave, on of the previous Captains. It looks like he's either cutting the Alpha One signal out of his hand, or . . just cutting off his hand. Like I said, we don't know what he's up to . . yet. Anyways, he's out wallowing in his anguish and remorse when Alpha One offers to take him someplace to get away from the world . . his Sanctuary. I'm not sure if he's given up on hating, and being scared of Alpha One, or . . this might just all be part of his plan. Anyways, he ends up there watching movies until he passes out. In the process though . . Alpha One gives him a lot more information as to his origin. It turns out that he didn't get his powers from a nuclear explosion in the 50's. That was just a cover story. He's actually been around a lot longer than that. We don't get an exact date, but . . he eludes to witnessing historic events in the early 1900's. And, he doesn't reveal how he really did get his powers, or where he came from. Anyways, Cole wakes up and finds out, from the TV feeds, that Alpha One is off in Sendai trying to stop a Tsunami. That's when he gets the idea to start looking through his computer to see just what he has hidden in there. Peter J Tomasi and Keith Champagne are doing a great job with this story. I can't believe we're on issue #8 already. I didn't know how long I'd stick with this, but I thought I'd give it a shot. It's been very intriguing . . and mysterious. Hey . . it's kept me coming back for 8 issues now. I'm also enjoying Chris Samnee's art. I think it's improving with every issue. I can't wait to see what happens next.

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