Thursday, September 17, 2009

R.E.B.E.L.S. #8 - DC

Vril Dox and company have come to Voorl in search of his son, Lyrl. Well . . actually, they're searching for his mother, Stealth. However, Lyrl is convinced that she's recently been killed by a group of LEGION robots. Lyrl doesn't know that Vril is no longer in control of them. Anyways, as she was fighting, trying to protect him, he saw blood . . and he ran off. So . . he's assuming she's dead . . he doesn't know for sure. I'm guessing we're going to see her again in another issue or two. Which is good because Stealth is a great character. While they're discussing all of this, Strata asks Wildstar to go off in search of her husband, Garv. He's on Voorl in a refugee settlement. Meanwhile, as shown on the cover, the Omega Men are back and they look more dangerous than ever. We find out that the reason for this is because of the Psions. They've captured a couple Starros and have been experimenting on them. It's what they do. 'We call them Dark Stars. They will help you infiltrate Starro's forces. Once attached, they do not control your mind, but other Starro-slaves will perceive you as one of their own. It needn't be on your face. There may be some initial discomfort . . it will . . augment you. The Dark Stars amplify natural abilities.' Upon receiving the upgrades, the Omega Men head off to the Xylon Expanse. It's a sub-space rift that connects the Milky Way to Starro's galaxy. The Omega Men are about to jump into the frying pan. I really like this book. So far I think Tony Bedard is doing a fantastic job. If you ever read any of the old LEGION or REBEL series, these characters have the same great feel to them. There's a fantastic cast of characters here. And, as always, nobody really knows what Vril's ultimate plan is. I'm also loving Andy Clarke's pencils. Very crisp and clean. They give the book a great feel. Between this book and Strange Adventures, it seems like DC is really trying to sink it's teeth back into these cosmic space dramas. We've seen a plethora of inter-stellar characters come back into the spotlight in the last year or so. And why not? That was a big part of the comic-book landscape back in the 50's and 60's. Plus there's some great stories here.

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