Thursday, September 24, 2009

Power Girl #5 - DC

Boy, you can really tell that Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti have a hand in this one. It definitely has the feel of their handiwork. And . . I like it. Plus, I gotta say . . I was never a really big fan of Amanda Conner's art. However, in the last year or so, with her work on Power Girl and Terra . . I've really come to like her stuff. It's got a great feel to it, and . . it's fun. Also, Justin, Jimmy and Amanda seem to be working very well together on this title. Each of their work seems to compliment and enhance the rest. Anyways, Karen is working in her office building when a space-ship crash lands in the park nearby. It appears that someone is taking her picture when she goes to the top of the building to change. But we don't really know what that's all about yet. In the meantime, 3 lovely ladies have come out of the ship. They claim to mean no harm, but when Power Girl arrives . . landing on top of the ship, oblivious to what's going on down below . . she tears apart the hull to get inside. When she does so, a piece of the ship falls to the ground below. But in doing so it accidentally lands on one of the women's trigger fingers . . and she shoots a drug-dealer's head off. Accidentally. Also when she arrived, she thought the ship was shooting at her, but it was actually shooting at an approaching ship in the atmosphere. That one had a guy in it that's looking for these 3 women. Anyways, long story short, the women's ship explodes. They disappear into the congregation of New York City. And this guy makes his way to the city tracking these women. Next thing we know, outside of Karen's office building . . again . . there seems to be a war going on between these 2 sides. And Power Girl has to try to figure out what to do about it. Like I said . . I really, really like the feel of this book. I'm glad that we're exploring Power Girl's character again. I think she's got a ton of potential. And with Justin and Jimmy writing it . . the humor and irony that they intertwine with the story are hilarious. This one is probably in my top 10 now. Maybe 12. But it's up there.

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