Thursday, September 17, 2009

the Amazing Spider-man #605 - Marvel

I know. This one looks goofy as hell from the cover. It is different, though. As you might've guessed though this issue sorts through some of the problems and women in Peter's life. Actually . . they're one and the same, as they are in most men's lives. First we see the events that lead up to MJ showing up at Aunt May's wedding. She has a budding career in Hollywood, but she soon realizes that she's turned in one secret identity for another. And she just can't take it anymore. So she heads back to NYC, goes to Aunt Mays wedding, and is the new reality host for the show Sewn Up. It's kind of cross between Top Model and Project Runway. This chapter is brought to us by Fred Van Lente and Javier Pulido. Next we see that Peter has to deal with his budding relationship between him and Michelle. She's really latched on to him, especially after that little rumble on the kitchen floor. Yes it was the Chameleon, but . . she didn't know that. He tries to lay the truth on her, but she thinks it's just another guys stupid way of breaking up. Which really pisses her off. We also see in here that Harry is dating one of the Reillys, Amy. And that the Raptor is still on Peter's trail. After their run-in in Amazing Spider-man Annual #36, he still thinks that Peter is Ben Reilly, who killed his family. This one is brought to us by Fred and Luke Ross. And in the last chapter, Peter is trying his hand at the NYC dating scene . . with the encouragement of his best friend, Harry. But, as usual . . his luck is what it is . . dismal. Brian Reed and Yanick Paquette bring us this final story. Overall I thought it was an interesting book, but . . a little shallow. However, it does give us some insight into some of Peter's supporting cast, so . . that's always a good thing. But the best news comes from the previews showing us that the Black Cat is coming back. That should prove to be interesting . . and yet another bad decision in the list of many that Peter's committed.

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