Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fantastic Four #571 - Marvel

I think Jonathan Hickman has come up with a Fantastic idea here . . pun intended. Reed has decided that he wants to 'fix everything'. Remember? Idea 101! Anyways, to do so Reed is using his 'Bridge'. It allows him to see into other dimensions so that he can see the implications and ramifications of his ideas and actions . . how they affect the Earth in another dimension, before he launches some grand complicated plan here. In doing so, Reed has gotten the attention of the Consortium. Basically, it's a large gathering of Reeds from many various dimensions. They've all come together to do what they couldn't do alone. They're dedicated to accomplishing great tasks in all dimensions, and . . helping each other reach their full potential. Anyways, Reed has to decide if he wants to join the group or not, so he takes a week and follows some of them around to see what they do on a day-to-day basis. It's epic, and grand, and everything that he expected it to be. However, they also show him that there's good, and there's bad. Sometimes in order for them to accomplish some of the 'big fixes', they have to do some things that may be construed as a bit unscrupulous. But even through all of this, and afterwards . . Reed decides that he wants to join. As much as he's done with his life, there's still bigger and broader things that he can do. There's only one problem. Just as he's about to join, one of the other Reed's comes back and says that's he'd been captured and tortured. During the process he gave up the group and it's location. This normally wouldn't be a problem for 1 Reed, let alone hundreds. But . . the being he was captured by were . . the Celestials. Even with the Infinity Gauntlet at their disposal . . this may be more than even they can handle. I think Jonathan does a great job with his character development and interactions. He brings out a lot of emotions in his dialogue. Such as when Reed and Sue are discussing Reed's lack of time for his family. Plus, like Mark Millar, he seems to be another one of those guys with grand ideas. Original ones. Which is rare. It makes for some great story-telling. I also thoroughly enjoyed Dale Eaglesham's art. I miss him on JSA, but . . he's a great fit for this book too. Plus, maybe now he'll get the accolades he deserves. This was a great issue. And Jonathan's just getting started.

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