Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Justice League: Cry for Justice #3 - DC

I finally get a chance to get to this book. The first 2 issues were amazing. Actually I kind of skimmed through it while I was riding home from the shop. I couldn't wait to see some more of Mauro Cascioli's incredible art. Plus now Supergirl is involved. As young Freddy says, "I have to admit . . she sure is pretty." Anyways, Supergirl joins up with these guys because, "I'm looking for more of the truth behind my father's murder. I thought if I helped you . . you'd help me. My father's dead. I want justice." The dialogue between these characters, as expressed by James Robinson, is fantastic. He has a way of writing all of these people in perfect character. The way they respond and interact with one another is spot-on. And sometimes hilarious. The only question I have is . . after their little get-together out on the street, in the next scene the boys have captured Prometheus and are interrogating him . . was he in that group of villains that attacked and they all took down? If so . . I don't remember seeing him. I'm sure he was. Anyways Hal, Ollie and Ray are trying to get some information out of him, but he keeps talking in riddles. That, and he keeps talking in the third person. Long story short . . this isn't Prometheus but a Clay-face dupe. Who also has a bomb inside of him. We see it explode, but we don't know how or if anybody got out. The scenes with Starman and Congorilla were awesome . . both in dialogue and in art. But we get the most information when we go to Prometheus' lair. There, he's working with Professor IQ. We find out a little bit about his origin, but more importantly we see what he's been doing since the Faces of Evil special that brought him back into the lime-light. He's been a busy beaver. In his study is a large fur rug. It's actually the Tasmanian Devil's fur. You know . . from the Global Guardians? He wants all 'super-heroes' to pay for his child-hood. We find out that the reason Congorilla's troop was attacked was to obtain Malavar and his vast scientific knowledge. And he's gotten other pieces of useful technology . . the cosmic treadmill, the time-pool, technology for zeta-beam transportation . . to name a few. We just don't know what he plans on doing with it all just yet. But he can't let Professor IQ walk away and spill any information about his victories, so . . "The wine is laced with chemical agents that have caused your brain to regress to that of an infant. Now you have to relearn everything . . including toilet training from the smell of you." Also we see that Charity . . the occult reader that we were introduced to in Trinity, is back. She's summoned Shade and Andrew Bennett, I-Vampire, to ask them to warn the Justice League. "Danger . . Death . . it's coming. It will touch your lives . . and many, many others." A very intriguing book. Each issue just leaves you begging for more. I'm glad that the Faces of Evil book explained why this isn't the same Prometheus that the DC Universe has faced for the last couple of years. It's actually the original. The one that we were introduced to by Grant Morrison on his amazing run of the JLA. And now that he's back . . all he wants is vengeance. In the afterward, James gives us a rundown on how he feels about this character. Especially in relation to Batman. He kind of sees him as the anti-Batman . . his antithesis. There's also a 2-page origin by Len Wein and Federico Dallocchio. I'm not always eager to read these things by the writers, but . . James makes a lot of good points, and pays great homage to Grant. If you're not reading this book . . you really need to. It's a classic in the making, and . . it's fan-frikkin-tastic!! James, Mauro . . thanks! Thanks for the incredible book.


  1. I am very crazy about comic books.I read the first two and it is just awesome. I can't wait for reading this book.can u tell me some best review of this book?

    batterie ordinateur portable

  2. Screw the reviews. Just go out and buy it. It's a great story with fantastic art. You'll love it! Or, you can wait until the spring, probably, when the TPB comes out.
