Saturday, December 06, 2008

Gen13 #24 - WildStorm

I was actually disappointed by this title. Yes is was the usual mindless drivel that's made up this book since the beginning, but . . this one just wasn't all that funny. At least when Grunge and Burnout are acting like idiots . . they're usually funny at the same time. You know, like Martin & Lewis. But this time, although they were trying to be funny, it was just mostly . . . mundane. I think what's throwing the whole thing off for me is Mike Huddleston's art. I mean . . it's not terrible. But, it's also not really doing this book any kind of justice. We're in the Teenage Wasteland storyline and this chapter is called Mallrats. You can take that title literally. This whole chapter is spent with them foraging around a Mall. But then they're surprised when other people show up. I mean seriously. It's a mall. When the end of the world hits, the survivors will thrive on Grocery Stores, Restaurants, Convenient Marts, and Malls. Of course more people are going to show up, and of course they're going to be some of the dregs of society. Did they really expect anything different? Anyways, that's not really important. They're trying to survive and without any attainable food source, they settle for refreshing their clothes. After a week or so of this, you'd think they'd start looking for a YMCA or Urban Fitness or something. Something with showers and a way to get rid of their funk. I have to say I was kind of disappointed in Scott Beatty's story. I really expected better of him. But it is Gen13, and they are the clowns of the WildStorm Universe. Right?

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