Saturday, December 27, 2008

Justice League of America #27 - DC

First of all . . I have to admit . . I didn't really follow the Milestone comic imprint. At all. It was one of the first imprints DC did, not counting Vertigo, and I just wasn't that interested. However I will say that Ed Benes gives these characters some great life in this issue. The problem I'm having is . . I don't really know if they're 'good guys' or 'bad guys'. I mean, they kind of get off to a bad start in the beginning of the book, but . . I really think they're just looking for help. Then later on, Hardware and Iota break into the Justice League satellite to steal, what looks to be, some hazardous materials. I'm not really sure what that's all about. But it brings them head to head with the Justice League. "My name is Icon. My associates are the Shadow Cabinet. Some of you know me. All of you should accept me at my word. Allow us to pass, or I cannot guarantee your safety." That's kind of a demanding statement . . coming from someone who's just broke into someone else's headquarters. Should they really be taking that posture? I don't know. They look like some cool characters, but . . their imprint didn't last very long. Do they really think they're going to be that much of a draw now that they're integrated into the mainstream DC Universe? Does anybody really miss them? I'm glad for the infusion of 'new blood'. I think we need that every now and again. I guess I should reserve judgement until I see how this all plays itself out. Like I said . . Ed makes them all look fantastic. But, I really don't expect anything less from him. I assume that Dwayne McDuffie will get some more personal introductions going with the next issue. We see all their faces and their names, but . . we really don't know a whole lot about them right now. If they want us to buy into the characters . . we've got to get to know them better. We'll see where we go from here.

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