Sunday, December 28, 2008

100 Bullets #98 - Vertigo

Now that we're getting near the end, it appears that everything is coming together. Or is it? This chapter is called Five Rook(ed)s. I assume they're taking about who's left of the trust . . Augustus, Graves, Megan, Tibo and Crete. Apparently, they're all getting ready for a sit-down. They feel that it's time to bury the hatchet . . I hope they don't mean literally . . and get their little program back on track. A war just hurts everybody's pocketbook. There is a bit of a problem though. There's still a handful of Minutemen out there . . . Cole, Jack, Loop, Medici, Dizzy, Lono . . I think I'm leaving a couple out. I don't think they've all gotten the word that the war's over . . yet. "The war may be over, but for some fighters, that ain't a reality yet . . . " Cole and Loop are hanging out when they come across Jack by accident. As they're talking they're trying to put together the pieces of what's really going on. They feel like they've all been played. However, they may not have long to think about it because it looks like Lono has sent someone over to take care of all three of them. But I'm not sure who he's working for. You can see him in the shadows, but you can't quite make out who it is. I definitely don't think that this series is going to end the way the Sopranos did. To me, that was a major let-down. But, I guess it did leave them open for a movie, or sequel, or whatever down the line. Hard telling if we'll ever see it though. Anyways, I really think that this series is going to end with guns blazing. The sad part is . . . there's only 2 issues left. I remember this series when it started . . like it was yesterday. Or at least last month. This series had me hooked from the very beginning. Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso have done a terrific job with each and every on of these issues. And they've been there from the beginning, stroking their baby . . keeping with their vision. They've even had Dave Johnson as the cover artist on each and every issue. I'm sure they'll all go on to other things, but this project? I think this is the project that they'll all look back on with fondness . . for years to come. A fantastic series . . from start to finish.

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