Saturday, December 20, 2008

Noble Causes #38 - Image

I have to say, I'm a bit confused about a certain part of this story. I don't seem to remember when Celeste married Colonel Comet. But, I do remember some old coot changing bodies with Doc Noble. I don't remember them changing back, and it seems like it's all but been forgotten. I was thinking that the guy was Comet. I think I was getting confused because Gaia and Celeste look so much alike. So I guess I was thinking that Gaia had stayed with her husband even though he was in a different body. But, even if I misread that part, I still don't recall the whole thing with Celeste and Comet. She was married to Rusty before. And I can understand why that would be difficult. But, then to go to someone who's about 3 times her age? I'm not sure I follow. Which is the perfect segue for the story-line that begins at the end of this issue. It seems that Celeste is questioning their relationship also. Especially considering the recent incursion to their island by Surge's girlfriend. Somehow she's related to Comet, but . . he never had any children. And, he was an only child. So now Celeste wants to reexamine when they first met. She wants to go back to 1955. 1955? Now I'm really confused. Also this issue, Jay Faerber, clears up some of the story-lines swirling about Rusty right now. They include, Cosmic Rae, the wife of the helicopter pilot he killed when he went on his rampage, and his apparent lack of emotion. Is he turning into an actual robot . . . or is he just faking? This is one of my favorite books, just because of the sheer amount of drama and subtext that Jay writes into his stories. This is one of those books that definitely draws more upon the writing talent than the artistic draw. That's not to say I don't like Yildiray Cinar. He's improving every issue. But . . Jay is a master of his craft. He's definitely in my top 10 favorite authors. It's probably hard to find most of the back issues for this anymore. But, everything is put together in TPB. You should check 'em out if you get a chance. But be patient. It's an acquired taste.

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