Monday, December 29, 2008

Echo #8 - Abstract Studios

Terry Moore is a fantastic writer. I've really enjoyed what he's done with this series so far. This issue we find out just what Julie can do with this piece of armor that's become fused to her. At the end of last issue there was an explosion outside of her and Dillon's hotel room. When they come out . . they find piece of someone strewn all over the outside of the building. It looks like it's one guy. When the rest of the biker guys come, guns blazing . . . they suffer the same fate. We don't actually see the guys face, he's in a trench coat and the shadows most of the issue, but he appears to have the same alloy as Julie does on his hands. He can fire what looks like lightning bolts out of his hands. So Julie tries it. She has to defend herself and Dillon, right? She must have more of the alloy on her, because her bolts seem to have more of an impact. They appear to take the guy down. So Dillon scoops up the unconscious Julie and takes off in the truck. Next we see Raven investigating the scene. It turns out that Julie's blast was so hot that it turned the sand between her and her target into glass. And we see that the guy really isn't dead. Apparently he can bring himself back together from whatever particles he was dissipated into. So now Julie and Dillon are on the run again. There's some maniac that appear to have the same problem as she does. Except, he has a murderous psychotic edge to him. And Raven and HeNRI are still hot on their trail. Terry paces his stories perfectly. And he's brilliant at character development. He does little things to bring you into the characters personality. Such as Raven . . . while she's investigating the scene, she takes a look at the personal affects that were left in the room, and she notices the pillows on the bed. She goes over to look at them and then sniffs. She gets this sly grin across her face, and lays her head down on the pillow. It just seemed like it was taking her back to a simpler time. Only Terry could've pulled that off . . without any words. I know that eventually this'll come out in TPB. Wait if you want. But if you have the opportunity, you should pick up these issues and read them. You won't be disappointed.

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