Tuesday, December 09, 2008

the Flash #246 - DC

I really feel sorry for Wally this issue. After everything that's happened to his family, Linda has been fatally stung by some of Zazzala's drones. This issue she's lying on the brink of death, and Wally is reliving their whole history. We see how they met, got together, and all of the tribulations that they've faced . . as a couple . . in-between. "She's brought me back just by her touch. Her love kept me grounded. We were inextricably linked . . . she is my beacon . . ", but now . . he can feel that link fading. And it's even worse because he know that Iris and Jai will be losing their mother also. However, there's 2 glimmers of hope. At the end of this issue Wally goes to see the Spectre. I mean why not? He helped him out before. But this time, he says there's nothing he can do. "Your request must be denied. There is no evading destiny, Flash. Your wife dies today!" I guess there's nothing like being brutally honest. Wally may be able to talk to him, however, I think his real hope lies in the energy device that Zazzala stole from Waller. Batman wants to know what it is and sends Wally in to gather a little intel. During the review he comes across one of their test results . . "The device had slowed time to a crawl throughout the building. For every day that passed outside, less than five seconds passed inside." Wally immediately realizes that the device is a gateway to the Speed Force. I don't think Wally's made the connection yet, but I think he's going to use that device to essentially freeze Linda's condition while he tries to get a cure from Zazzala. But, while all of this is going on, Zazzala, posing as Linda, has abducted Iris and Jai. I only have one problem with this story . . there's no previews for Flash books beyond next month. It doesn't say that it's the final issue, so I'm guessing we're just going to have a short hiatus because of this whole Crisis story-line. I'm guessing that we'll either come back in February or March, or . . if Barry comes back . . maybe we'll get a relaunch and a new title. Either way, this story wraps up next month, and where we go from there . . . who knows?

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