Saturday, December 06, 2008

Black Terror #1 - Dynamite Entertainment

Apparently, were going to have a couple of series come out of the Project Superpowers masthead. Black Terror being the first. Then the Death Defying 'Devil and Masquerade. I'm not sure if these are going to be mini-series or on-going . . it doesn't really say yet. Although I'm sure the reception of these titles will go a long way in determining their status. I'm kind of getting the feeling here of Continuity Comics, back in the 80's. That company started out with the Revengers and Armor & Silver Streak. Then they starting branching off in all kinds of different ways with their various characters. And, like Alex Ross' vision here . . that line of books was lead by Neal Adams vision. I think Dynamite's franchise will probably have more commercial success. But, I can't help but draw the comparison. Especially considering the sheer amount of characters that have been developed in the opening 7 issue installment. I liked this book. We seem to be stuck in this grim Orwellian world here. Or is it more like Bladerunner? I'm not sure. In the Superpowers book I just assumed that the Black Terror's symbol was that of a pirate, but we find out here that it was actually the symbol for poison. He was a pharmacist in his original life. And his powers came from a formula that he created. But now, in this grim future that he's been brought to, I think his mantra is going to change. I think he's going to assume the mantle of pirate. Which in essence he is . . as far as the government is concerned. Actually they consider him and the rest of the crusaders terrorists. But terrorists / pirates . . it's all the same thing. Right? Anyways, it looks as if this group of heroes have their work cut out for them if their goal is to get the world back on track. I think that the Lama and the rest consider the Dynamic Family their biggest threat. They think they're stooges of the government. But, what they have yet to find out is that the real threat here comes from the Supremacy. From what I can glean, that's a group of powerful men that really run the world. The governments of the world are really their pawns. And although the Dynamic Family are stooges, they're not of whom they think. I think there's a lot more to be learned throughout this project . . or franchise. I think we've only seen the tip of the iceberg, so far. We have some huge potential here. And with Alex Ross and Jim Krueger leading the way, I believe it'll be realized. By the way, there's 8 different covers to this book. I just stuck with the one in the middle there.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot about Neal Adam's Continuity character's as somewhat a comparison to SuperPowers as a new Superhero Universe...which is refreshing to see. Especially being lead by Golden Age heroes. I enjoyed the first ish of Black Terror and loved the dynamic art. A little dark in the color but the pencilling by Lilly seemed great. Look forward to more SuperPower issues.
