Sunday, April 01, 2007

Superman #659 - DC

I know this story was necessary. Superman is wrestling with what Arion has told him. He says, that because of Superman's involvement, and not letting the world fend for itself, that he is essentially crippling it. And that is how Khuber is going to take over. He's out there somewhere, but he's working in the shadows right now. But, with Superman's involvement, according to Arion, the world will get to complacent, Khuber will obtain to strong of a position, and that'll be the beginning of the end. The rest of it we've seen through Arion's visions over the last couple of issues. This story tries to back up Superman's belief, that by helping the world, and trying to disrupt violent acts, that he's also inspiring them. He's more of the belief that with lack of inspiration, will come complacency. I think they're both right, and they both have their valid points. The question is, who's future will come to pass first? I'm sure Arion's vision is a possible future. But, is is ours? After reading this story, I would have to say "No!". I think that Superman's inspiration far outweighs any damage he may be doing to people's self reliance. But there has to be some validity behind Arion's warning. And I'm sure that either way, Khuber will still pose a threat to our world. So the question is, where does Superman go from here. Plus, maybe just the fact that Superman's thinking about his actions in a new light will be enough to sway Arion's prophecies. You know that scientific theory that you change a situations outcome just by paying attention to it? I guess we'll have to wait and see. When I started at the top of this page, I was going to say that I thought this issue was self indulgent and boring. But, I think I argued myself out of it. And if a story can prompt me to give it this much thought, then the writer obviously made his point. So props to all! Well done!

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