Sunday, April 15, 2007

Nightwing #130 - DC

This issue we get some more of the back-story about Bride & Groom. Apparently they come from the 1700's. But how they've survived. And stayed so young looking, we haven't been told yet. I mean we can probably start to make some guess', but we don't know for sure. But Nightwing is getting closer. Which is good because he doesn't even know they exist yet, or that he should be looking for them. But, by looking in to another item, he find their dumping grounds. Actually, that's a literal thing, because they've been dumping their bodies at the city dump. And there's a lot of them. From what I gather so far, Groom is the one that finds the Brides victims. He apparently reads peoples auras, and by that can tell which ones have the best energy for Bride to absorb. But he's been holding out on her a bit, because he wants her to marry him. So when she starts to be at her weakest, he offers some of his energy to her, in exchange for her hand in marriage. Nightwing finally catches up to them, by accident, when he's looking for his young friend Phillip. He's afraid he's in trouble, and he knows he's on the ferry, so he goes to try to retrieve him. Well, Bride & Groom just happen to be on the same ferry, because they want to feed on the captive audience. Of course Nightwing stops them, but when the Ferry crashes on the shore, they elude his attempt to capture them. We do get one more glimpse of Bride & Groom, Violet & Thomas, because Bride is about to die and Groom offers her the same offer to re-energize her. This time though, she accepts. Interesting set of characters. And I really dig Nightwing, or rather Dick Grayson. I just think he's a fantastic character. I'm glad that he's becoming such an integral part of the DC Universe.

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