Sunday, April 29, 2007

the Spirit #4 - DC

Ok, I have to admit, this one was more interesting to me than the first 3. But, this one wasn't even really about the Spirit. It was more about Silk Satin, Special Agent of the CIA. And she's one tough broad. Basically, the cops in Central City are looking in to Hussein, because they think he's hooked up with Octogan. And they'd be right. Although Hussein tenaciously denies it. They think that he's either working with, or trying to set up a terrorist cell there. And again, they'd be right. Well, as they're questioning him, in comes Silk Satin. She here to pick up Hussein for the Govt.. The Spirit warns her to be careful, "That Hussein is a slippery one." And of course, she does lose him. Long story short, Mister Octopus, the head of Octogon, picks up Hussein because he's upset about his affront in to Central City. Hussein has been blowing his money. So he gives him an "out". He tells him if he delivers Silk Satin to him, that he will be forgiven. Well of course Spirit gets messed up in the mix, and both of them are hand delivered to Mister Octopus. When Hussein realizes that he's not going to be let go either, he arranges for the 3 of them to escape. They're in Mexico, so eventually they find the tunnels that will take them across the border. And, again, they find Hussein. They almost make it back, until Mister Octopus again comes after them. But Silk Satin sacrifices herself, by taking down the tunnel on top of her and Octopus, so that Spirit and Hussein can escape. Of course at the end, we find out that both Satin and Mr. O have escaped from the debris. Like I said, I'm still not overly sold on this series, but, this issue was probably the best one yet. So . . . we'll see. Maybe I just don't understand this character enough. But creatively, it looked nice.

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