Saturday, March 03, 2007

Deadman #6 - Vertigo

This is a pretty interesting book. I was a little upset at first when I saw that Deadman wasn't the one we're used to seeing, Boston Brand. But as this story moves along, I really think it's getting better and better. It gets a little confusing in spots, but usually if you stick with it, it all works itself out by the end. This time we start out with Scott and Sarah, when Scott was still alive. Sarah was working on her Doctorate, and the Professor at the University, was interested in Scott's father, whom used to do Remote Viewing experiments for the Govt.. Now, in order to do RV, you have to be gifted. So the Professor's inquiry, is as to whether or not the gift was passed down. Scott tries to avoid the subject, but Professor Plum keeps drawing him in. He finally agrees to some tests, and the next day he's in the Professor's laboratory. He attempts to RV, but he is drawn to Sarah. Now Brandon just happens to be coming over at that time, and he and Sarah used to date. So what Scott sees, could be viewed as flirtatious behavior. And apparently he does, because he starts acting very jealous. So Scott tries the experiment again, and this time he's drawn to his father. He's also getting more adept at the process, because now he's aware of his body. But when he follows his dad, he's attacked by a demon named Devlin. Apparently we're getting the prequel to the story now, to fill in some of the questions we've had up to this point. Like I said, interesting story and cool concept. I wasn't real thrilled with John Watkiss' art at first, but it's really growing on me. Definitely a book worth checking out.

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