Saturday, March 24, 2007

Green Arrow #71 - DC

I really can't say enough about this book. Ever since Judd Winick and Scott McDaniel took over, it's been awesome. Action packed and exciting, every single month. This month is no exception. Batman has come to town, and so has the Red Hood. Brick has drawn out the Bats, and Red Hood has antagonized Green Arrow. Unfortunately for them, this is really just a stalling tactic. They're really after Mia. The Red Hood has this mission where he feels it's his responsibility to corrupt, or open their eyes, depending on how you look at it, of all the teen side kicks out there. So I guess that's why he's after Mia. We didn't find out this issue, but the story carries on to the next one. We also find out that Slade and Drako have escaped from prison. Killing 2 guards in the process and leaving their heads in their lockers. Now Slades on a mission to destroy Ollie. In doing so, he's enlisted the help of Natas, Ollie's teacher on the island. " . . . does it pain you to turn on a former pupil?", Slade asks. "Not at all. It is just business. He chose to get dirty, and now he will understand to the price of it. He must experience failure. How else will he learn?" Nasty bit of business, that Natas. Anyways, great book. Buy it if you're not.

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