Monday, March 12, 2007

Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman #17 - Marvel

This book has really turned around in the last few issues. Peter David is doing a much better job at the story-lines. Maybe it was just that one story-arc, but I like what he's doing now. And Todd Nauck, with his style, is great on this book. This is the first part of the Back in Black stories that are running through the Spider-man books. He really looks great swinging around town in the black costume. To bad there's 2 helicopters chasing him. A police helicopter, and a news helicopter. I know there's a lot of descension out there, but to me, the black costume was a huge improvement over the old one. I'm just as nostalgic as the next guy. But to me, I always voted for the black look. Anyways, remember that Ben Parker that came from that other time line? Well when he was murdered, it was made to look like Floyd Baker did it. But the Sandman found out that he was set up. Why is the Sandman so worried about it? Well, Floyd Baker is his dad. So when he can't break him out of prison, he goes to Spider-man, or rather Peter, for help. He didn't want anything to do with it, until he found out the homeless guy that Floyd killed was Ben. I really like this book now. It's come a long way. I know, how far is a long way when it's only on issue #17? Well, in my book, is has improved drastically in the last 4 or 5 issues. That's just my opinion.

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