Saturday, March 10, 2007

Ex Machina #26 - Wildstorm

I love this book. Brian K Vaughan does an awesome job with all these different story-lines. Oh, and by the way, Tony Harris' pencils are still great also. We start out seeing how the Great Machine tried to help on 9/11. But they thought he was a terrorist also. Then we jump 3 years forward, and he's trying to get the building constructed on the site, but it's been 3 years and they still haven't made any headway. We also have Kremlin and January, still trying to take down the Mayor from the inside. Well, not so much take him down as, " . . it is about helping him to understand that he belongs in the skies, looking out for us all, not in building pushing papers." Now we got this new guy showing up, I actually think it looks like a future version of the Great Machine, but, I may be wrong. Anyways, he seems to be short circuiting because, as he put it, he tunneled in. I don't know why that would make him have a power surge. But anyways, the new guy shorts out all of Manhattan, including our Mayor. Oh, and we get to meet the Mayor's mom this issue also. This is a really good book. It's like a soap-opera, crime drama, super-hero book all wrapped in to one. But it wouldn't be worth it's salt if it wasn't for Brian K Vaughn. So hats off bud. Keep up the good work.

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