Saturday, March 03, 2007

Robin #158 - DC

Last issue Robin met up with Klarion. And what a long strange trip it's been. One of Klarion's contemporaries from Limbo Town, has also come to Blue Rafters. That's our world. Or . . . rather . . Robin's. Anyways his friend, Uriah, decided that with their knowledge of magic, they could not only explore this world, but also conquer it. So to that end, he's making a judgement beast. That's where you combine all the Draaga's, their totems as it where, in to one beast which is called the Judgement beast. Being it's master, you can then met out your justice on whomever or however you want. Unfortunately to do so, he must add Klarion's draaga Teekl, his cat. Which also brings him to the attention of Klarion, and Robin who now seems to be his protector. By teaming up together, they manage to beat both the beast and Uriah. But not without a lot of weird magical stuff happening in between. And with that, Klarion drags Uriah and the rest of the Draaga's back to Limbo Town. As Robin says, "Wait till I tell Raven about this."

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