Sunday, March 11, 2007

52 - Week Thirty Nine - DC

In this issue we cover a lot of ground. We start out with Natasha in the Luthor complex, trying to figure out what's going on with the Everyman project. Then we catch up with Ralph, and the helmet of Fate. Actually, they end up in Atlantis. Which is really the first time we've seen it in this whole series. We still haven't got any explanation about what's going on with Aquaman. Then we go to Oolong island, with all the scientists. The big story is that the 4 horsemen are about to be set loose, but, there's also the mystery of Will Magnus, and is he or isn't he trying to recreate his Metal Men? Then we shoot over to Kahndaq. Osiris is still pretty upset about killing that man. He's locked himself in his room. And now all of Isis' plants are starting to die. Back at Luthor's, Natasha finds out that she's been played for a fool by Hannibal. She thought Jake was helping her through all this stuff, but actually Hannibal was just posing as him. And Hannibal is loyal to Luthor. So Natasha is pretty much SOL. Luthor comes in to discipline her, and she finds out that he's already taken the treatment. He likens himself to Superman now. By the final panel Luthor's pretty much beaten her to a pulp. I found out the new series is called Countdown. And it'll start the week after 52 comes out. The next one will be 51 and it'll go back to zero. So, I thought we only had 13 issues to go, but actually we have 65. Happy collecting!

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