Sunday, March 25, 2007

Checkmate #11 - DC

The problem with a group like Checkmate is that, you can bring in as many professionals as you like. You can take them from whatever profession they had before, spy, accountant, super-hero, whatever. And you can train them and indoctrinate them into your system. But, the reason they're so good is because they have a long history. And with a long history, comes a lot of baggage. They got 3 problems going on in Checkmate right now. The biggest on is Amanda Waller. She's still on her own program. She's trying to keep it on the down low, but everybody finds out about everything, sooner or later. There's a problem in Santa Prisca right now, and it involves Bane. And it involves Amanda Waller. But Checkmate doesn't know about Amanda's involvement. Yet. So they're sending Beatriz, Fire, and Tommy Jagger, Judomasters son, in to retrieve Computron, who says that he's the one who's rigged the election that could lead to a country in Civil War. The second problem Checkmate has is that Tommy has a history with Bane. He killed his father. So he would like to see Bane dead. The third problem they have is that Beatriz has a history with Computron. I'm not sure what that is, but it has something to do with Operation Condor. So she would like to see Computron dead. So while they may be able to control problems on operations most of the time, I think this one has disaster spelled all over it. This book is so much better than it's first incarnation. What was that, 15 to 18 years ago? But this one seems to be much more thought out, and written by somebody who knows what they're writing. So far this has been a great series. I just hope that it lasts.

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