Sunday, February 08, 2009

X-Men Legacy #220 - Marvel

This issue is mostly about Rogue. Since she's been having all of her problems of late, she's decided to go back to the X-Men's temporary headquarters in the Australian outback. Now, Charles has her on his radar for some reason. I think he feels guilty that he hasn't done more to help her, or that he never completed the promise that he made to her . . that he'd find a way to fix her. So, he's also decided to drag Remy into all of this also. Remy's reluctant, but . . he does owe Charles, so he goes along for the ride. However, in her little soul search, Rogue has attracted a follower. She's convinced that it's Mystique, but actually it's Cerebro. You know the danger room robot that came to life in the first story-arc of Astonishing. I think she call's herself Cerebro. I might be wrong. But anyways, she's decided to study Rogue. However, in turn, Cerebro has attracted a Shi'ar salvage vessel. They want her tech. At the end of the issue, they're bearing down on both of them. "I have plans for you, Rogue. For you and for . . tchk . . Professor Xavier. I have chosen you as . . zzzzzzzzzt . . the conduit for my revenge. Once these fools are dead . . I'll show you." Oh wait, now I understand the first couple pages of the issue. It's 3 months ago, and we are on the orbiting HQ of SWORD. The Skrulls set off a bomb there and the guards decide to release the prisoners before they go down in flames. They don't show who they released, but it must've been Cerebro. That didn't dawn on me until just now. Brain-fart! Anyways, it was an ok issue, but . . it wasn't great. It was rather boring, actually. But, I think this one is just setting us up for the next chapter. So there's not much progression. Mike Carey wrote it and Scott Eaton does the art. Also, Scott's art isn't the same as it has been lately. New inker maybe? It wasn't quite as crisp as the last few issues. Hopefully it'll be a little more interesting next issue with a new story-arc.

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