Saturday, February 21, 2009

Cable #11 &12 - Marvel

I gotta say, I've always dug Cable, and I've liked this series, for the most part, so far. But I will admit that just like most of the comic, uh, 'fans' out there, I'm turned on by some awesome art. I love a good story. To me, the story needs to be the strongest part of a book. It's what keeps your interest . . gets the reader bought in. However, some amazing art, like Ariel Olivetti's, can turn my head and get me to look at a book that I might not normally pick up. That wasn't the case here as I wanted to give Cable another chance. The amazing art was just icing on the cake. But, it appears that all of his hard work is catching up to him and Ariel had to take a break on these 2 issues. I mean, I don't blame the guy. He's turned is some amazing stuff to date. However, on these 2 issue, he only does the first 8 pages on issue #11, and the last 3 on issue #12. I'm not sure what the signifigance of that is . . the story was all pretty much the same, but hey . . whatever. The artist throughout the rest of the pages is Jamie McKelvie. I think he's a new-comer. His work is . . . ok. It's not terrible. It doesn't stand up well next to Ariel's, but . . then who's would. After reading through both issues you get used to it. And, he does have his own unique style. Anyways, Duane Swierczynski guides us through this future wasteland, as usual, but . . there's really not a whole lot going on in either of these issues. When New Liberty was attacked by the cockroach army, Nathan left because he thought they were after him. Cable, his wife Hope, and the child ventured back out into the real world. However, Hope was killed shortly after. So Cable and the child joined the resistance. I guess he felt he needed somebody to fight. In the beginning of issue #11 they've come up with some biological warfare that should wipe out the bugs. The problem is, it'll probably wipe out the humans also. Cable doesn't want to take the chance, but the resistance general does. So Cable and Hope . . yes, after his wife was killed he decided to call the child Hope also . . . Cable and Hope slide into the future to bypass the effects of all of this war. 100 years to be exact. The find that the weapon worked, but . . it worked the way that Cable was afraid of. The Earth is a barren wasteland. By the end of the issue, they've slided into the future twice to try to find some sign of life . . or food or water. Issue #12 is pretty much the same, but in this issue we find that Hope is starting to use some of the knowledge that Nathan been teaching her. Either that or she's been paying attention very, very well. They find some type of crashed ship, and some recycled water, but . . that's about it. So they head to Westchester. Of course the mansion is destroyed, but there's still pieces of it, to show where it was. Cable makes his way into the underground bunkers and finds most of the provisions he needs. He also finds a recording that Scott left behind for him. I'm surprised it still works some 300 or 400 years in the future. Anyways, it give him hope and a new drive to go on. By the end of the issue they've time-slid again . . now almost 1000 years in the future. They're still in Westchester, but . . this time there's something different. This time it appears that they've found some form of life. But, when the issue ends, and whomever they are are approaching . . . Cable doesn't know if they're friendly or not. So, he's prepared to shoot first and ask questions later. I like this book, and this character, but . . it's really moving slowly. Hope is probably about 5 or 6 now. I think that's about how long he's been in the future. I'm glad that we're getting some progress on her character. And, it appears that we're heading into the Messiah Wars storyline now. So things could heat up pretty fast. Overall I really enjoy this title. It's just a little slow . . . right now.

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