Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Questions? - for everybody out there!

I don't usually like to just copy stuff out of the books, but . . I was intrigued by the DC Nation column this week. In it Dan Didio has some statements from various characters in the DC Universe. There's 10 statements and 10 characters. And you have to guess who goes with what. I'll list them for you, and then tell you my guesses, but . . I'd really be interested to see what everybody else thinks. So . . look them over and tell me what you think.

1. "I know he's not dead and I will find him, even if I have to make a deal with the devil himself."
2. "I will stop them all, no matter who they are or what they meant to me."
3. "I will step down, I will step aside, but I will never stop."
4. "He took away what mattered most; I am broken, but that can never slow me down."
5. "He has replaced me, but he will never be me."
6. "I will watch them closely, stay vigilant, make sure they do not repeat the mistakes of the past."
7. "I have seen the future and I will do everything I can to change it. Starting with my death."
8. "I will make sure Justice returns to Gotham and every criminal is behind bars."
9. "I need to make amends for all the damage I caused."
10. "I will be the greatest Batman ever."
See. Depending upon who said what, these can be some pretty big hints to future story-lines. So anyways, these are the 10 characters.
A. Diana Prince ____B. Tim Drake ____C. Roy Harper
D. Vic Stone ______E. Jason Todd ____F. John Stewart
G. Kate Spencer ___H. Wally West ____I. Michael Jon Carter
J. Clark Kent
Now, I really have no clue who said what. So I'm just taking a stab in the dark. But I'd be interested to know what other people think. So let me know if you agree with me or not. Here's what I think:
1-B _____2-F _____3-H _____4-A _____5-E
6-J _____7-I _____8-G _____9-D _____10-C
Good or bad . . . that's my guess. Do you agree? Disagree? Let me know. I'm more interested in finding the right answers than necessarily being right or wrong.


  1. Since I still haven't gotten my hands on Final Crisis #7 yet(grumble grumble)I can't really weigh in fully on these quotes. However, without knowing what happened in FC #7, I'd think that Jason Todd would fit better as #10(I kind of think that Jason is going to try to replace Batman with his own violent brand of justice), while Roy Harper would be a better fit at #5.

    The one that seems to be a sure thing would be Wally West and #3. That one MUST be him. I'd also agree with Booster Gold and #7. However, until going through FC #7, I really can't add too much more to this conversation yet... Once I do read FC #7 though, I'll definitely be back with some more guesses.

  2. I agree with you on the Jason Todd and Roy Harper guess, but . . . it seemed a little to obvious to me. So I thought I'd switch 'em. Just for shits & giggles. As far as FC goes . . . . I feel for 'ya!

  3. Heh, you really had me scratching my head, thinking, "Why would Roy want to be the greatest Batman ever?!?".

    I kind of think Jason Todd could fit into #1 as well, especially depending on what you make of Batman #666 from a few years back. I tend to see Jason as the evil Batman in #666, so the deal with the devil mentioned in the quote could be taken literally. Jason Todd could really fit into like 3 different quotes. Hopefully, he'll finally get a decent place in the DC Universe.

  4. Well . . I figured in #1 they're talking about the Batman.
    In #2 they have to be talking about a group. So with these characters, we only have the Green Lantern Corps or the Titans. But I guess it could be the JLA also.
    #3 I figured has to be someone that's being replaced. Wally seemed the most obvious, but . . Tim or Jason could fit into that one.
    #4 I figured is with the Wonder Woman story-line with the Olympian.
    #5 could be Wally also, but . . I was kind of thinking that it was Jason thinking that Tim had replaced him.
    I haven't looked back through the book, but I thought #6 sounded like something Superman would've said at the end of Superman Beyond #2.
    I think #7 points to Booster Gold, but . . Wally's seen the future also. As has Superman.
    #8 sounds like something the new Batwoman would say.
    #9 I thought was Vic, just because I don't know where else to put him. But, if Vic is #2 that might make this one John Stewart.
    #10 I was thinking had to be Tim or Jason. But . . that just seems to obvious. So, the only other one that might be close to the right skill set would be Roy. I don't think that he'd actually try to be Batman, but . . I could see him saying it as a joke.
    Anyways, that's a little of the reasoning that I used. I agree, I'd like to see Jason get a bigger role in the DC Universe. Even if it's not as part of the Batman Family. But, good or bad, he's been through alot. So maybe he does have something due. During Countdown I kind of thought he'd just stay on Earth-2 as their Red-Robin. But I guess not.

  5. You know what the funniest thing is? Everytime I read those quotes, I could see almost any one of those characters saying almost any one of those quotes!

    For example, the more I think about it, the more I can see John Stewart being responsible for saying #6, in regard to the Guardians.

    I'd also love to know which quote is attributed to Roy Harper(a personal favorite), since he really doesn't seem to fit ANY of the quotes. The one thing I think we can say with certainty is that Dan Didio must be trying to drive us crazy with all of this guessing!
