Monday, February 02, 2009

the Amazing Spider-man #583 - Marvel

I really liked this issue. I thought Mark Waid did a great job with the story, and I'm a huge fan of Barry Kitson's. This issue kind of had the old Spidey feel to it. I mean . . the story was mostly about Betty Brandt. She was the narrator. Basically she was talking about what a good friend Peter was to her. Yes he's a bit flaky. And yes he does tend to be late a lot . . if he even shows up at all. But . . when she needs him. He's always there. They have this special date on Friday, because it's her birthday, and she's tried hinting to him that she'd like to have a dinner with all of her old friends. Honestly . . Peter does try to set it up. But then when he shows up at her apartment . . no dinner party. Then he has to try to break the news to her. "I tried to pull it together, I swear. But . . . but no one would come. I'm gonna be honest. You don't seem to realize it but . . you haven't exactly been renewing friendships lately." Basically he tells her how Aunt May is mad at her for her article on the shelter. Harry's mad at her for her article on his girlfriend's father. And Robbie is mad at her because when they all walked out on the Bugle, she was the only one that stayed. He felt hurt. "No one hates you sweetie. They'll get over it. Believe it or not, I know . . I can imagine . . what it's like to be unpopular in your job. If you weren't so lonely, it'd be a little more obvious to you that you've put some friends at arm's length." But he sticks by her and give her a nice night to remember. Yeah, you're right. It was a bit sappy. But . . it's the supporting cast that makes this such a great book. And this issue, basically showed the relationship to one of those members. The back-up story was . . ok. It was about Barack Obama. Basically the Chameleon had this lame-brain idea that if he could take the President-Elects place long enough that he could actually get sworn in. Yeah it was kind of lame, but . . you have to go with what's relevant. Right? But, I can't figure out why this issue went up to $3.99. It's list on the web at a $2.99 cover price. If that's going to be the new price, unfortunately . . I'm gonna have to drop it. I'll just wait and pick them up later on E-Bay.

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