Saturday, February 21, 2009

Avengers / Invaders #8 - Marvel / Dynamite Entertainment

This issue almost wraps up the story. Almost! Cap has come out of his 'sleep' and finally listens to reason and so therefore finally pulls out Namor. The Human Torch realizes that he was led astray when he tried to help out the LMD's. It turns out that they were all actually being led by Ultron and that by infusing some of his blood into them they were trying to create artificial life. The ultimate race. Which sounds way to familiar to him. But they were doing it for Ultron. Not just to become human. So he has to put a stop to it and melts them all down. And the whole thing with D'Spayre and the Cosmic Cube gets resolved when Echo swoops in and saves them all. She's deaf after-all so she can't fall sway to D'Sparyre's influence. And, it turns out, D'Sparyre was actually possessing the Vision. The first one, from the 40's. So no that Doctor Strange has the Cube, he can send everyone back to their original time. There's only one problem, as he's doing so, he mentions . . "I'm going to use the Cube to erase your memories of your time here. It's a necessary precaution." First Cap/Bucky is upset because he told his younger self something that he wanted him to remember and take back with him. But Paul Anselm, the soldier that came back with them, is the real wrench in the mix. Finding out what happened back then, he wants to go back and save his troop. But, if he doesn't remember, he won't be able to. At the last second . . he puts his finger on the cube. "I'm sorry. I need to save them." The problem is, because of his actions, all of reality starts to fall apart. One by one the Avengers are plucked out of existence. However, as he's disappearing Doctor Strange manages to put a shield around a core group of them. They'll be the ones that have to save all of existence over the course of the next 4 issues. Chapter 3. I guess. This is an interesting series. I think Alex Ross and Jim Krueger are doing a fine job here. I'm actually coming to like Steve Sadowski's pencils a lot better. My only complaint? It just seems to be to long. As a 6 issue series I think this would've been fantastic. As 12 issues? I think they just tried to put to much into it. I think these last 4 issues will probably be great. I think the middle 4 . . . could've been left out. But that's just my opinion. But now I understand why this was done as a Dynamite book and not Marvel. With the myopic story-lines that have been going on at Marvel since this book started . . everything's changed. There's no way this title could fit in with that continuity. I mean it'll all be explained as an incident that happened before Secret Invasion, but . . . coming out at the same time, while everything is changed . . could be hard to swallow. Like I said though . . overall I like the book. I just think it would've served better being shorter.

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