Sunday, November 16, 2008

Final Crisis: Submit - DC

I'm sorry, I put these in the wrong order. You should read Submit before you read Final Crisis #4. It's not a huge priority, but it does help to explain things a bit clearer. This book, I think, was about explaining what the Justifiers are and how they come to be. Basically, Darkseid is trying to remake the world. To begin that task he's taken over all forms of communication and transformed them all into a conduit for his anti-life equation to reach the masses . . literally. Now, Darkseid knows that the super-powered people pose the greatest threat. They also pose the greatest advantage if he can bring them to his side. After all, they'd make the perfect soldiers. So, as he gathers them up, I suppose the weakest first, he uses them to hunt down other ones and put the Justifier helmet on them, subduing any conscious resistance they might wish to express. Jefferson, Black Lightning, has a circuit schematic he needs to get to his team-mates in the Hall of Justice. However, on his way there, he intercepts an SOS from the Tattooed Man, and his family. Knowing that the Justifiers are monitoring all transmissions, Jefferson knows that he has to aid the family before the Justifiers find them. The problem is the Tattooed Man hates costumed adventurers. So he makes Jefferson's rescue harder than it needs to be. He's trying to get the family to No Man's Land. His daughter, Anissa, and SHADE is there. They make it there, but in order for them to escape safely, Jefferson has to sacrifice himself. But, not before he gives the Tattooed Man the circuit to remember. In the end Jefferson becomes one of the Justifiers. This is really becoming an intense story-line. I thought that Grant Morrison and Matthew Clark did a fantastic job with this issue. Both the story and the art really exemplified the determination and anxiety of the characters involved. Then, this issue leads directly into Final Crisis #4. If you're not on board . . it's not to late. But, it may be in a couple of months . . . for everyone!

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