Sunday, November 16, 2008

Final Crisis #4 - DC

Man was this issue intense. For some reason that I don't understand, it appears that Turpin in the only 'human' that's been able to resist the anti-life equation . . so far. But that's not for lack of Desaad's attempts at figuring it out. And, I guess because of his uniqueness, he's been allowed to bear witness to the rebirth of Darkseid . . . albeit through a cloud of agony, misery and I'm sure a drug induced perception. Meanwhile, the 'heroes' have gathered at 'watchtowers' across the globe . . 6 to be exact . . circling it. They're attempting to take in as many survivors as possible, and to marshall their forces in specific areas so that they can mount a defense . . when the opening provides itself. However, I don't think that's going to be anytime soon. We do get a couple of hints though this issue. First is the Tattooed Man that has arrived, at Jefferson's bequest, to deliver the circuit pattern to them. He's seems a lot more focused and determined now than when Jefferson first came upon him and his family. He shows them the circuit, but we don't know exactly what the importance of it all is. And, in the skirmish, Oliver becomes a Justifier. Secondly, Barry and Wally have a reunion, of sorts, before going out to find the rest of their families. The first person they come to is Iris, but she's been taken over by the anti-life equation. But that doesn't stop Barry from wanting to embrace her and kiss her. When he does, we see that there's something about the Speed-force that seems to counteract the control that the equation holds over the recipient. We also see that Mister Miracle seems to know how to save the world when he arrives at Castle Checkmate. Unfortunately, he's shot before he can tell them what he's got in mind. However, right now, we're not sure who it was that shot him. These are all answers to the threat that is Darkseid, but we don't know yet how they can be used to save the world. And, at the end of the issue, we see that the newly risen Darkseid has given the sign that he wants . . " . to summon a day of holocaust that will never end!" Obviously, with the feel that Grant Morrison has given this series, and this whole story-line over-all, things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. To me, it appears that the 4th World gods . . Darkseid, Dessad, Granny Goodness, and the rest . . know that they're being ushered into the inception of the 5th World. I think they're just trying to be in control of how it happens. But, that raises the question, where are all of the New-Gods . . Lightray, Orion, Metron, and the rest. If the Gods of Apocalypse are here in human form . . shouldn't the gods of New Genesis be around some where also? And if they are, I can't believe that they'd let the masses of Earth fend for themselves against the forces of Darkseid. Also, I have to say, the artwork of JG Jones is simply stupendous. There's a splash page in the middle of this book showing the aftermath of the battle in Bludhaven. It is phenomenal. It really express' the depth of resistance that 'humans' are willing to express to stand up for their beliefs. The hopelessness and carnage expressed on these 2 pages is almost overwhelming. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many panels, throughout this book, that really express the feelings and subtext of the story intricately. It really is the perfect fusion of story and art. It's beautiful in it's accomplishments. However, because of the way that this series is put together, with all of it's various off-shoot books, it's hard to know the whole story until you read the rest of the issues. But so far, I feel, that this series is fantastic. I can't wait to see what happens next.

1 comment:

  1. I personally was just happy that Darkseid finally shows up in this comic! Since the start of the series, I've ben waiting for the big man to show up and I was glad he finally appeared.

    I can't imagine how Grant Morrison is going to be able to wrap this storyline up in just 3 more issues! I know I look forward to finding out though!
