Thursday, November 27, 2008

the Amazing Spider-man Annual #1 / #35 - Marvel

As stated on the cover, this issue was mainly about revealing the secret . . secrets . . of Jackpot. I thought that Marc Guggenheim and Mike McKone did a fantastic job with this issue. Originally Jackpot confides in Spidey and tells her that her civilian identity is that of Sara Ehret. However, when Spidey looks her up . . her civilian address . . he finds the real Sara and she adamantly denies that she has anything to do with the Jackpot character. Spidey believes her, but . . thinks that she is up to something. So he uses a little subterfuge to obtain a fingerprint. With the help of Betty Brandt and AFIS, he discovers that her true identity is Alana Jobson. All of this happens through the course of them fighting Blindside, Peter trying to figure out how Blindside's powers work, and both of them looking into this new 'Kingpin' on the scene Walter Declun. The reason that's all relevant is because it's all connected. Declun, the Mogul, is trying to establish himself into a 'Kingpin' type role. One of the companies he buys is a pharmacutical company which has a scientist in it's employ which has created Oedipus. It's a neurotoxin that creates temporary blindness. The scientist supposedly steals it and becomes Blindside. However, Spidey and Jackpot think that he's just a hired gun for Declun. After explaining the situation Reed Richards gives Spidey an antidote for the neurotoxin and, with that in hand, Spidey decides to go after Blindside in his home. This is after he confronts Alana and finds out that she has been creating her powers through a mixture of chemicals and hormones. She didn't have any powers, but wanted to be a hero. So when Sara, an Initiative cadet, decided to drop out of the program, Alana basically bought her identity from her. Anyways, Spidey goes to confront Blindside. He finds out that Blindside has a super-powered girlfriend, Commanda. And, during the heat of the situation, when it looks like combined these 2 may be able to beat Spidey, he finds out that he's been followed to Blindside's home by Jackpot. During the ensuing battle, Blindside hits Jackpot with his neurotoxin. Of course Spidey has the antidote, and the 2 of them subdue the bad guys. All in all a good days work. That is until Jackpot collapses, because of the chemical mixture coursing through her body, and dies. Distraught, Spidey goes to Reed for consolation. It turns out it was the addition of the neurotoxin, not the antidote, that caused the lethal chemical imbalance. And Spidey also confronts Sara on how she was the one who caused Alana's death, by putting her in a situation she wasn't prepared for . . and the speech about powers and responsibilities. I think he's going to guilt her into becoming Jackpot again. Overall I liked the book. I thought it was a good wrap-up for this story . . Jackpot's origin . . and now both characters, Spidey and Jackpot, can get back on track doing what they do best.

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