Friday, April 18, 2008

X-Men Legacy #209 - Marvel

Come on! You knew that Charles wasn't going to stay down that long. Right? Exodus has done everything in his power to revive Charles. I'm thinking that since he can no longer worship Magneto, he's going to the next best thing . . . Charles. They were, after-all, almost brothers. At one time, in every way except the name. Should Charles survive, he would arguably be the most powerful mutant alive. Although some might debate that, but right now, I think, Exodus is just kind of floundering a bit without someone to put his support behind. Yes, in and of himself, he's a very powerful mutant. And he does command a following. But, when it comes right down to it, I think he's a better soldier, than a commander. However, for all his power, all he can really do is facilitate the healing of Charles tissue. Both inside and out. He can heal his brain, but it's not within his power to put it back together. So they bring in Eric and Sentinel-prime. Exodus forbids anyone from calling him Magneto, since he's a flat-line now. And really, all Eric can do is talk to Charles, and hopefully give his mind something to focus on. Something to draw back to. That, and a little electroshock therapy from the Sentinel . . and eventually they bring him back. But he's not 100%. He's immediately challenged by Cargill, who still sees him as the enemy, and wants to tear his head off. I think it's this excitement and stimuli that is helping Charles to become stronger by the second. Cargill is near indestructible, so Eric has to take her down by shooting a laser through her pupil and into her brain. But now he has to face Exodus. Which . . should be ok, except . . Charles takes exception to the way he's treating Eric. He calls him out. Or in . . as the case would be . . he challenges him on the psychic plane. Mike Carey has been the writer of X-Men now for a little while. Actually, now it's called X-Men:Legacy. My bad! Anyways, I was going to say that he seems to have a very firm grip on these characters. Also Scot Eaton's pencils have been absolutely fantastic the last few issues. I'm not sure what the purpose of the name change is . . unless they're getting ready to launch another X-Men title? It's a fantastic book, and it's in great hands right now. Enjoy!

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