Sunday, April 13, 2008

Robin #172 - DC

Robin needs to decide . . is he going to apprehend Violet . . . or is he going to assist her? The problem is . . she's kind of like a Robin Hood type character. She's been stealing money from crooks and illegal operations, and then pumping it back in to the community through charitable organizations. So while . . yes, technically she's a crook . . she's really walking a very gray line. Anyways, Robin goes after this illegal casino that's operating in town, because he figures it's just to big a target for her to resist. And, of course, he's right. But, there's a few problems here. Taking off a legit casino would be suicide, but to try it in a criminal gambling operation . . . you have to have some cajones. First of all, they're going to have much more security. And said security isn't hesitant about using deadly force. They will shot first and ask questions later. So while he was trying to stop Violet, he ends up helping her escape so she won't get killed. And he uses his new contacts in the police department to stand-by and ready to come in and bust everybody. As he's leaving, the new Spoiler is watching him from above. I don't think it's Stephanie, but whoever it is, does know his name. "Good night, Tim." Also I'm thinking the policemen that are helping Tim, may be in cahoots with the Penguin. Not that they're criminals, but they may be helping him knock off the competition. Plus it makes them look good when they get the collars. A great story by Chuck Dixon, with some great art by, what I hope is the new regular series penciller, David Baldeon. He draws some pretty good action scenes. Can you believe this book is going to be up to #200 pretty soon? Unbelievable. Keep up the good work, guys.

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