Monday, April 14, 2008

Cable #2 - Marvel

For being the military genius that he is, Cable kind of feels like he's going about this new adventure . . . protecting the mutant messiah . . . kind of half-assed. Maybe that's just my take on it. But, he doesn't seem at all prepared to deal with the baby, and this future. Now, my guess is, when he went forward in time, he didn't want to go to his old stomping grounds, or anywhere familiar, so that people couldn't find him. I think he wanted to hole-up someplace relatively unknown, and hopefully safe . . or safe enough . . for him to raise the baby to a point where it could take care of itself. But you know what they say about the best laid plans. He didn't realize that Bishop was going to be so unrelenting. Actually, he didn't even know Bishop was alive. So half of this issue is spent explaining the time between Bishop shooting Charles, to the time when he surprises Cable in the Diner. It's an interesting use of his abilities, and I like the way that he searches for, and then home's in on, Cable. It's a testament to Bishop's training and expertise. I just wish we would see the same brilliance from Cable. Bishop gets the drop on him, putting 3 bullets in him. Cable, unfortunately, can't really fight back. Why? Hello! He has a baby strapped to his chest. So he tries to use the town-folk against him. But that's only going to last so long. While hiding behind a truck, he decides that his best bet is to jump forward or backward in time. That's when he finds out that his time mechanism is broken . . just as Bishop is holding a semi-truck over his head. Duane Swierczynski is writing a pretty good story. I'm not sure if I like the way he's handling Cable so far, but it is only the second issue. I have to give him a chance. Other than that, I like what he's doing. On a side note, there's a sitcom on Fox . . Back to You. There's a goofy reporter on the show whose character's last name, I think, is Swierczynski. I could be wrong. It was just something I noticed. Anyways, as usual, Ariel Olivetti's artwork is amazing. I don't know how they got him on this book, but I hope he stays. He's really doing a bang-up job.

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