Sunday, April 06, 2008

Green Lantern Corps #22 - DC

This issue is really to show us just how much Boodikka has lost . . er, I mean, changed since becoming an Alpha-Lantern. It's brought to us by Sterling Gates' script and Nelson's pencils. We start back when Hal Jordan was being influence by Parallax. That was when Boodikka was trying to arrest him and he ends up cutting off her hand to obtain her ring. Now she's in a similar position, because she's been sent to Bellatrix to reprimand a new recruit who seems to not be doing her job. The new Lantern is Zale, one of her Bomber sisters. But Zale is being used. When she got her ring, her sisters decided to take advantage of it by stealing ships from outer-space, and then selling off their cargo's or parts. She was told they were bounty hunters, and they were just acting to protect themselves. Boodikka tries to take her in by taking the power out of her ring, but in the heat of the moment, one of the sisters lets it slip that without her power, she's useless to them. They actually have a chance of taking Boodikka down, with an anti-Manhunter weapon, but then Zale, feeling betrayed, comes between them and stops them. Because of these courageous actions, the Guardians step in before Boodikka can "decommission" her. They decide instead that she's worth taking a chance on, and make Boodikka and Zale sector partners. Also, Boodikka is in charge of her training. Hopefully, this arrangement will also bring some of her humanity back to her. We also see Tomar and his partner, out looking for Hannu. He was supposed to be transporting Laira. He's barely alive, but he does let them know about the "Red Ring!". This has turned out to be a fantastic series. We've come to know so many more Lanterns than we did in the previous version. I really enjoy this book, but it leaves me wondering . . what's going to be the next Lantern title?

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