Saturday, July 19, 2008

the War that Time Forgot #3 - DC

First of all I want to say that I'm a big fan of Al Barrionuevo's artwork. However, on this series . . . I don't feel that it's up to the standard we've received from him lately. There's some pages, and panels, of brilliance in here. But, overall . . it's kind of choppy, and not consistent. I think maybe he needs a new inker. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying anything negative about Jimmy Palmiotti. I just think that sometimes pencillers and inkers have their own styles and they don't always mesh well together. I think that's the case here. Sure Jimmy's talented, I just think that they aren't necessarily complimenting each other. But that's just my observation. We do get a brilliant Mark Shultz cover this issue. It's fantastic looking. I also enjoy Bruce Jones writing skills. Last issue we saw the arrival of a soldier from the future. At least that's what we think she is. Anyways, this issue we find out that she may be part of the people that set this whole thing up. I'm beginning to think it's just some grand social experiment, set up by our own off-spring . . several generations removed. But, we don't really find out what it is they're looking for, or why this experiment was concocted. I feel like she's just here to observe the rats in the cage. She doesn't seem to want to influence anything . . just take it all in. Our soldiers haven't noticed yet, but she asks a lot of question. However, when our rescue party returns with Colonel Jape, the commanding officer, I think he may be able to get to the bottom of things. In the meantime, on their way back, they've found all of their missing planes. I'm enjoying this series so far, and I like all the unique, distinctive, personalities of all the various soldiers. Now . . lets find out what's really going on.

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