Saturday, July 26, 2008

Action Comics #867 - DC

Geoff Johns is fantastic on this book. He's perfect with this character. Most of this issue is with Kal-el talking to Kara about Krypton. The conversation that they have, and the subtle nuances in Kara's inflection when she's talking about Krypton . . you can just feel her hurt that she was stuck in cryogenic sleep for so long. Also, when she talks about how she wishes she was a baby when she left Krypton, so she wouldn't remember so much about it, you can truly feel the remorse in her voice. This is the part of the story that Geoff is just incredible with. It pulls you in to the story and makes you care about the characters. And now, Geoff and James Robinson are going to be working in sync between this title and the regular Superman title . . . this franchise is just going to get stronger and stronger. And that's not even saying anything about Gary Franks fantastic pencils. The part that I like the best about this book right now is that with Gary's pencils, you almost get the feeling of the stories from the '70's. Except Geoff writes it, so it's an obviously much better story. Now before you get all upset . . I loved those stories in the 70's. But, you have to admit, they didn't come anywhere near some of the themes that have been presented in this book in the last couple of years. At the time I liked them, but at the time, we also didn't know what we didn't know. You know? And now, with this story-arc, we seem to be reinventing Brainiac. As much as I liked the last Legion story-arc, and the Last Son story-arc before that, I think this one's going to be even better. And, really, it's just getting started. Did you get your copy?

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