Saturday, July 12, 2008

Teen Titans - Year One #5 - DC

I really like this series. First of all, I think Amy Wolfram has a perfect handle on these characters. She seem to have each one of their personality quirks down perfect. Secondly, I absolutely love Karl Kerschl's art. I'm not sure what he's doing different here, but it's coming across perfect. Maybe it's Serge Lapointe's inks, or John Rauch's colors, but whatever it is . . . keep it up. The art on these pages just jumps out at you. I think it's perfect. Especially for this 60's to 70's era that it's supposed to be portraying. I can't believe they brought back Ding Dong Daddy for this issue. He's from the old Teen Titans series. Basically, he's a motor-head who likes to steal cars and build hot-rods. Or in today's vernacular . . he like's to shop, chop and pimp his rides. Donna and Roy hook up for a date this issue, but as was the case in the 60's or 70's, Roy likes to express his masculinity and is threatened by Donna's strong will. Of course I'm sure alot of that came from Ollie's example. Anyways, they're both looking for the perfect date . . expecting a real 'love connection', but . . . it's actually a disaster. Well . . at least after the Arrow-car is stolen. That's when the testosterone starts flowing and Roy's trying to show Donna that he can take care of the problem himself. Why doesn't he just club her over the head and drag her back to his cave by her hair. It's amazing how little men's attitudes towards women had evolved by this time-period. Anyways, I don't want to get started on all of that. Obviously, it was a well written story, if it got me thinking this much. I thought it was a fantastic issue in a great series.

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