Thursday, July 24, 2008

Noble Causes #35 - Image

You know, sometimes when I'm reading this book I'm thinking, 'Why do the Noble's even need the Blackthorn's as a nemesis? Or . . any villain for that matter? When it comes down to it . . the things they fight for in life . . the things they try to achieve individually, or as a family . . in most cases, they are their own worst enemy.' There's just so much subterfuge, back-stabbing, and dissension within their own family . . inside their own little world, now that they live out on an island separated from the rest of the normal world . . not unlike the Titans sitting up on Mt. Olympus . . . that they really don't even need a rogue's gallery, or whatever, because most of their time could be spent cleaning up their own messes. In fact, in this story-arc, any villains that have become involved . . they've brought into the mix. In fact the biggest threat right now, Amy Wells, Surge's new girlfriend, they themselves invited out to the island to spend time with them. Since that fateful decision she's been leaving a path of destruction in her wake making it look like it's anyone else's fault but hers. Because of that, they had to abduct Bonechill to try to use his blood to help Frost. This time they go after Tank, and then Crucible, to try to figure out how they shut down their security system, why, and who initiated it. But really? This all comes down to the chaos, mistrust and dysfunctional nature of thier own family. And correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Colonel and Doc Noble switch bodies somehow, a couple of story-arc's ago? I'm wondering why they haven't fixed that, and, if so, how come the Colonel is acting like such a father-figure to everyone, when, obviously, he's not? I seem to remember some kind of agreement they came to about the family, until the situation can be fixed. Anyways, I guess my question is, when are we going to get in to that some more? As you can tell . . I love this book. Every issue I'm amazed by the talent of Jay Faerber. I also think that I'm actually coming around with Yildiary Cinar's art, also. We've always had relatively new artists on this book, and they've always, over time, made it their own. I feel that Yildiary has accomplished that already. I'm just thrilled that we're back on track after the short hiatus. Keep 'em comin'!

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