Sunday, July 27, 2008

100 Bullets #93 - Vertigo

This one kind of reads like an in-between issue. Or . . maybe the set-up for another chapter. I feel like we just have the beginnings of a couple plot-lines here. First of all Grave and Augustus are meeting at Javier's. Graves has brought Dizzy for back-up, and Augustus has brought Lono. I'm not sure what's going on, it's almost like they're having a summit or something. However, even with that . . Graves still has other irons in the fire. They're meeting on the west coast, but back east he has Remi staking out D'arcy's penthouse. "I've been waiting for her to show up to her Gold Coast digs for a few days . . . all by your book . . stake out and eventually who yer after will walk into the bullet meant for them." But you know what they say about . . 'the best laid plans'. No sooner does he get off the phone with Graves than his Aunt calls from his mother's house to tell him that she's had a stroke. He still going to go through with the plan . . . but he's a bit reckless. And he's in a hurry . . he wants to get to his mother. He goes through all the bodyguards like a knife through butter, but while he's at it, D'arcy's main guy, Coop, has gotten him and her to the Panic room. Remi's done his work and set a charge on the transformer to cut the power, but the room still has a heavy door. The issue ends with Coop slamming it on Remi's arm and cutting off both of his hands. Gruesome! Like I said, it kind of feels like an in-between chapter. Like all hell's gonna break loose next issue. Another fantastic installment by Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso. I'm really getting sad that there's only 7 issues left. Say it isn't so! To all things there is a season. It appears that this book is in it's 'winter'. . . . . . . . . . . . but it still kicks ass!

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